The Heart of Darkness


Feature film or Mini Series.

“There’s never been a Conrad movie, for the simple reason that nobody’s done it as written and I think that, the minute anybody does that they’re going to have a smash on their hands.” Orson Welles.

Fictional movie faithful to the classic book only moved to the Amazon River in the Rubber Economic Cycle in 1886. Young Marlow goes up the Amazon River to meet Kurtz, the most productive rubber extractivist manager who has gone crazy and violent and is treated like a demigod by the natives.

Video SparkNotes: Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness summary by the YouTube Channel VideoSparkNotes.

Heart of Darkness is one of Hollywood’s greatest miths. First Orson Welles wanted to make a film adaptation of Joseph Conrad’s book as his first movie but instead went to direct Citizen Kane because he could not get the approval of the studio because they thought the book was too polemic. This amazing story was later adapted by director Coppolla as his classic “Apocalypse Now”, with Marlon Brando playing Kurtz.

Heart of Darkness is one of the most celebrated and most referred books in the English language. The story contains criticism of Imperialism and Colonialism that is surprisingly important for the world today.

Our production will be true to the classic book, only transferring from Congo to the Amazon River during the Rubber Cycle in 1886. The production will be shot in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, for two main reasons:

  • By moving the story from the Congo river to the Amazon river, we show that the message of Conrad’s book is universal, and the imperialism and colonialism that is deeply criticized in the Belgium Congo were the same in the Americas. And unfortunately, it still happens to this day.
  • In the XXI Century, the Amazon Rainforest is in real danger by the deforestation promoted by illegal invaders. This affects the whole world, not only because the Amazon produces the oxygen that is needed to keep the balance for the planet, but also because, like in the Heart of Darkness book, products are contrabanded for international markets.

Heart of Darkness will be shot on location in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, for international distribution from the USA.

An animated book Summary of Hear of Darkness by the YouTube Channel Animated Books