Phoenicians Before Columbus


Feature-length Documentary and TV Series with 6 episodes of 24 minutes about the expedition that aims to prove that the Phoenicians could have reached the Americas 2000 years before Christopher Columbus. Expedition finished with success from September 2019 to February 2020. In Post-Production.

Expedition official Website:

Partnership with UN Environment Clean Seas Campaign:

The beginning of the expedition in Carthage, Tunisia.
Passage of Phoenicia by Morocco.
Yuri Sanada, director of the production and Fellow member of the NY Explorers Club invites to visit the ship in Miami, the last leg of the expedition.
NBC and 7News about Phoenicia arriving in Florida, February 2020.

Lecture for the renowned and exclusive New York Explorers Club. Yuri Sanada became the first Brazilian Fellow Member of the Club in 2019. Before him, only Marshal Cândido Rondon was accepted as an honorary member of the Club in 1925. He presented the Phoenician Expeditions around Africa and the Americas, and his sustainable Organic house. Subtitled in Portuguese.

Classic Boat Magazine – August 2020.

SPECIAL NAUTICAL PROJECTS. We have extensive experience in international historical nautical projects. From helping to coordinate a large fleet on the Sailing Voyage for the Celebration of 500 Years of Discovery of Brazil, to consultancy for the development of the Globo Mar TV series for Rede Globo, to the circumnavigation of Africa aboard the replica of the world’s oldest ship, and thousands of miles sailing aboard small sailboats and large vessels. This makes us leaders, competitive and unique not only in Brazil but in the world.