Icarus Race


IMAX Documentary Movie.

For the first time, a special documentary film will show the amazing Race that led to the invention of the Airplane, and how Brazil, France, and China were essential for the diffusion of Aviation to the world.

This IMAX movie will be distributed to over 200 Giant Screen Theaters in museums and institutions of 40 countries, and many are Air and Space Museums.

Most people believe that the American Wright brothers were the first ones to fly a machine heavier than air, on December 17, 1903.

However, the story behind that first flight, and after that is much more fascinating and involves other 3 countries: France, China, and Brazil.

These 3 countries had active and generous participation in the development and popularization of the Aviation for all mankind.

Icarus Race will tell how the Chinese from very early were the first to develop the concept of flight, and how the Brazilian Santos-Dumont proved that human flight was possible when he invented the dirigible. Later he switched to heavier than air machines and built the best airplane of that age, the Demoiselle 19, that he gave to the world for free, enabling the beginning of Aviation.

The movie will show how the visionary Clément-Bayard became the first company in the history of the world to produce the airplane commercially, from the Paris Aéro Salon in October 1909. Another French company will also be part of this movie, as we tell the story of how Louis Cartier invented the wristwatch upon request from his friend Santos Dumont, that needed to check the time while keeping both hands free to pilot his aircraft.

In the beginning, dozens of people of many countries tried to fly.
Ahead of all of them, the Brazilian Santos Dumont was the first to prove that controlled flight was possible, as he invented the dirigible moved by a combustion engine. Santos-Dumont made the first successful dirigible flight in 1898, taking off from a botanical garden west of Paris and rising to 1300 feet. On October 19, 1901, he won the French Aero Club award flying around Tour Eiffel and donated the 100 thousand francs to Parisian charities.
He became the most famous man in the world at the end of the 19th century, flying regularly over Paris.
Officially the Americans Wright brothers made the first flight in 1903.
The first newspaper headline about Wright brothers’ first flight is astonishing: “Dayton boys emulate great Santos-Dumont”.
In 1906 Santos Dumont made the first officially registered flight before a big audience in Paris.
His second airplane was much superior to the others, and Dumont made an incredible act donating his plans to the progress of Mankind. The blueprints were published in the USA in December 1009 by the famous Popular Mechanics magazine.
People from all over the world started to build and fly his model, the Demoseille, that was so advanced that it flies to this day as the ultra-light. Santos Dumont was the true diffusor of aviation to the world.
The visionary French company Clément-Bayard created the world’s first series production of airplanes, starting flights in 1908.
Louis Cartier invented the wristwatch upon request from his friend Santos Dumont, who needed to check the time while keeping both hands free to pilot his aircraft.